Some body stop me...

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Idle thoughts...

Its been almost three years since i passed out of my UG... In the third year i had thought about going for higher education... infact i was closer to appearing for GRE and finally decided against going for MS... I am not sure if that was a wise decision then... but now i feel life would not have been any different if i had done my MS... instead of wasting my time on developing a module for my company i would have wasted it trying to find a theory to prove that prime numbers would always be prime...

Is it worth going for two more years of education... i mean it wud be fun to go thru the whole process of writing exams... and waiting anxiously for the results...celebrating the last exam with movie and party..etc...but will it be worth...well whatever it is i've planned to appear for a few of the supposedly competitive exams just for the fun of it...I have decided to bell the CAT to start with...


Blogger Jinguchakka said...

All the best Munni!

10:07 PM  
Blogger Shiva said...

all the best da double baba :)

3:30 AM  
Blogger Sarit said...

All the best da :)

btw, maybe there were a couple of other reasons too for the gym-ing :P

5:07 AM  

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