Some body stop me...

Sunday, February 05, 2006


RDB was worth the two hours gruelling drive amidst heavy rain and almost zero vision... It is more of a message to the citizens and an exaggerated projection of the present situation in India... The revolution has already begun in India... ppl have started thinling twice before doing anything... they are started reacting strongly to any atrocities by any polician or policitical party... The inevitable change is here... This generation of youth parties a lot... they are maniancs... true... but then they are maniacs who want to change something for good... Even if they cannot change ppl of past generation... they could and will change the attitude of future generation... and the generations to come will certainly see a tru free India... with all her glories restored... movies like RDB, Yuva did not come from one man's wild imagination... they are a bit exaggerated reality... the youth has started thinking... the revival of Indian glory is not a day dream any more... In another 20 years India will back as the hottest destination for ppl around the world...

Let there be light...


Blogger Sarit said...


Absolutely stunning words... I agree totally with you.

1:45 AM  

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